ALLOFFROAD / Stephan Fischer Product Review Guidelines

I only accept products I’m personally interested in and can see me using on my travels, creating my videos, building 4wd vehicles, camper trailers or which will aid me in the preparation of this.

I’m always transparent with my viewers in regards to the arrangement we have.

I will never do Paid reviews

Product Review

This means I will share my honest opinion of the product after at least 6-12 month of use. It will explain all positives and negatives I experienced using the product. In most cases I will also do further research in it’s technology/design/build to substantiate my experience. There rarely is a perfect products so be aware that I state it as it is. If I like the product, it is quite likely that I continue using it on a ongoing base and it will receive more exposure over time.

The following conditions apply for all product I review:

1. The Products are supplied to me free of charge or at the agreed media pricing in exchange for the non exclusive use of the content I create via the Chanel it was published on. You can embed, share or mention my content as you see fit but you can not use my content to create new content, alter it in any way or change the distribution platform unless we have a written agreement in this regards.

2. I can not make any guarantees of viewer numbers, reach or demographic but always do my best to promote the video as much as I can trough all of my social media Chanel's.

3. You have the option to extend the reach via YouTube or Facebook advertising but the cost are paid by you.

4. I reserve the right to return the product if I decide not go ahead with a review for whatever reason. I may still talk about the product though.

5. I will review the product at my discretion, it may be an individual review or as part of a trip video. In most cases, products with a value or media discount of more then AU$1500 will receive a dedicated review, lower valued products may more likely be included in trip video or segment.

6. Any product provided to me becomes my property (unless an alternative, written arrangement has been made) and at my discretion I can keep sell or give away the product after the review.

7. I controls each aspect of the content, while I’m happy for you to point out unique features it ultimately is up to me what I found important in my use.

8. I don’t provide any exclusivity and I reserve the liberty to review whatever suits me at the time in any country or market. I also may compare similar products in the same market segment.

9. I have full freedom of expression and my content is generally not provided for review before release. I do sometimes make exceptions if the product is technologically complex but any feedback taken in to account would be only for technical inaccuracies.

10. If I find a problem with the product I will share this with you and make suggestions for improvement. If I feel a product is faulty I will delay the review and give you a change to remedy. Please double check each product you send me to ensure it’s fully working and fault free.

11. Where I fit equipment to my vehicle, I’m reserve the right to remove it and test different products after 12 month of use. However If I like the product there is a good chance it stays on the vehicle and the exposure will be ongoing.

12. I like Long-term relationships with companies who create great products and offer good customer support.

Please understand that this is the foundation of any Product Review and if you agree it shows that you have confident in your product and stand behind it. Contact me